Online Basic Training Course DISCLAIMER: On February 19, 2019, the VA’s Modernized Claims and Appeals System went into effect, drastically changing the VA claims and appeals process. Chapter 7 of this course, which discusses the VA claims process, has not yet been updated to reflect the changes under the new “modernized” system, which applies to rating decisions issued by the VA on or after February 19, 2019, and other claims that VA claimants have opted into the new system. However, the information in Chapter 7 is still relevant to claims in the old “legacy” system, which applies to claims for which the VA issued a rating decision prior to February 19, 2019, and that have not been opted into the modernized system. We will be updating Chapter 7 soon.

The Online Basic Training Course is designed for anyone who helps veterans and their family members obtain benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The course is also useful in making claimants more informed about their VA benefits.
The Online Basic Training Course is available ONLY online. Note: You will NOT receive a print version of the course.
All course materials, sample intake forms, and more are available for download at our designated course site at
The Online Basic Training Course helps service officers, veterans, lawyers, paralegals and others better understand the rules for obtaining veterans benefits and how to deal with the VA. The Online Basic Training Course will give you vital information and a basic understanding of the system that will help you work more effectively with the VA.
This basic course covers almost every VA benefit, with special emphasis on entitlement to compensation and pension benefits, as these are often especially difficult to obtain.
Preview the first chapter (at no charge). We are sure you will appreciate the content and the easy accessibility!
For bulk pricing, please call our Publications Department at: 202-265-8305 ext. 104.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are purchasing this course for someone other than yourself, please include this person’s full name and mailing address in the “customer shipping information” area, and include their email address in the “comments” section. You may also contact us.
Purchase the course, and you’ll receive login info and access to the full course materials. You’re encouraged to download the material to your own computer.